Bobby Bras

“I would have washed the windows, but I just had to get into the door”.

A few years ago I found myself in a state where I was searching for something within me, but I couldn’t find the solution, was it reflection, was it conformation, was it space or did I just need relaxation, because the tension got stuck in my body. I couldn’t hear myself anymore and was lost in my mind and body. After trying everything, I started researching haptonomy. I ask and demand the best and I want that for myself and everyone I work with. This is the reason I came into contact with Gezond Management. I thoroughly looked at the website and Marco instantly left me with a good feeling, his face spoke to me, his values connected with mine and after a call to Gezond Management I heard that Marco’s schedule was fully booked. So I tried a different approach. I said I was referred by a famous top athlete whose testimonial I had seen on the website. So I lied to get an appointment, and yes all is admissible to get success or to be helped in your quest. Because I pretended to be ‘a good friend’ I managed to get an appointment in Marco’s busy schedule in Bloemendaal. In hindsight we often had a good laugh about it all. I would have washed the windows, but I just had to get into the door!

Gezond Management means to me monthly mental relaxation to reach new heights, where processing and goals go hand in hand. A mirror, sometimes painful, but above all clear. You have to get outside your comfort zone to achieve. To me it is genuinely an hour where body and mind are connected. Where you get all the space you need to find your own solutions, and where you are helped to accept tension and doubt and let it vanish out of your body. Marco has without a doubt what I look for in people. No bullshit and everything with a smile. One hour with Marco has for me the same meaning as one week on holiday. A clear and fresh start, when I walk out the door.

Bobby Bras
